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Community Benefits

Although primarily viewed as a way to benefit the individual, Third Spots benefit communities as a whole. These crucial areas provide space for common interests to be shared, while also removing social classes and economic backgrounds. Casual conversation, a commonality of interest, and a shared setting become the perfect components to a successful Third Spot within the community.

Since Third Spots are easily accessible, they allow individuals to connect on a regular basis with very minimal effort. This can be as simple as an outdoor seating area with complimentary Wi-Fi. When city planning allows for areas like these to be prominent, a sense of community becomes ingrained. Those that choose to be in a shared setting would probably be at home otherwise. A safe, shared space with access to Wi-Fi brings these individuals together. Perhaps freelancers collaborate, dog friends make human friends, toddlers play while adults talk, books are shared, and more. Eventually these quick interactions turn into habitual meet-ups and the community is overall better off.

Aside from an outdoor work space there are various settings to find a niche away from home;  gyms, coffee shops, parks, bookstores, bars, community centers, and the list could go on for quite some time. City planners work to incorporate places like these within communities to allow for a more pleasant neighborhood experience. These spots allow for individuals to have a sense of belonging and feel accepted, which in turn, positively impacts the community they are a part of.

The opportunity to create social groups with individuals that would otherwise be cut off from each other is crucial to a community thriving as a unit. Third Spots work to stabilize a community; the ability to empathize with others seems like a lost art these days. Learning where others come from, their experiences, their identities, and their backgrounds creates a home away from home that so many need.


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