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Why Successful People Have A Third Spot

A common misconception of Third Spots is they require too much time away from what is “important”. For many entrepreneurs, the thought of not dedicating every waking minute to their business seems a waste. To those that pride themselves on having a jam-packed schedule, taking a step away seems to be unproductive. Quite the contrary, Third Spots actually have the opposite effect on most individuals.

Stress Relief & Improved Mood

Relief from the pressures of daily life is essential to thriving as a human. Third Spots offer a place to escape deadlines, scheduling, and other stressors that unavoidably come from work and home. 

Relationships & Networking

Social connections provide a sense of belonging. Meaningful connections that are not facilitated by having to work or live together are crucial to an individual feeling fulfilled. Third Spots provide an opportunity to strengthen relationships, make new connections, and learn other’s stories and background where you may not have had the opportunity elsewhere.

Sense of Belonging

The fact that an individual has a community away from work and home is an added layer of confidence. Although they may take great pride in these life accomplishments, many don’t want to be defined simply by their job or their title of husband and wife. It is crucial to embrace the fact that there is more to a human than simply work and home. The sense of belonging a Third Spot provides is vital to a balanced life.


There is a difference between taking a break and procrastinating. A change of scenery is proven to improve not only mood, but productivity levels as well. When utilized properly, Third Spots leave individuals with a sense of restoration and peace of mind.

It’s no secret that the most successful people have found the perfect balance. The Third Spot is proud to highlight their experiences and share how a Third Spot has contributed to their accomplishments.


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